Pooja B Vijayakumar

Pooja B. Vijayakumar, Ph.D

Pooja is a cross-cultural and expatriate consultant, researcher, and educator. Her work focuses on supporting global leaders, identifying work and family issues, and helping with overall cultural adjustment and handling various immigration issues within the expatriate or immigrant population.



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If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward
– Martin Luther King, Jr. Contact Pooja

Media References

Pooja has successfully collaborated and published papers with some of the most experienced and well-known researchers in the International Business, Management, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology domain. She has worked on various expatriation, cross-cultural, and immigration issues and her research work as a first author has been covered in several major news outlets including Bloomberg, BloombergQuint, The Economist, and Press Trust of India.

Bloomberg American Bazaar International Business Times Crain's Detroit Business Voice of San Diego IT Wire Bloomberg Quint Press Trust of India Wion Channel The Economist The Mercury News

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